Real People Building Real Wealth

We've found that success leaves footprints. The stories below are from members of our Shred Community -- real people who changed their strategies and realized true freedom in record time. The two things they all have in common are: a relative level of discipline, and a supportive community and software that saves them tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in the process. 

"When I was first introduced to The Shred Method™, I had two mortgages, four vehicle loans, seven savings accounts for various things and a sense that I had everything under control. When Adam and his team showed me I could be completely debt free (in under three years!) by redesigning my cash flow I was immediately intrigued. This method has saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest AND created massive liquidity which allowed me to build a vacation rental in a beautiful place, and buy my dream farmland."

-Joel J., Des Moines, IA

"In 2017 we bought a $330,000 home and after realizing how much of the payment was going to interest, we jumped on The Shred Method. In 2019, we completely paid off our property and turned it into a cash-flowing rental with income revenue of over $50k a year.  We sold the property, doubling our initial investment in 2022. 

Today, we are shredding our current home with just $180K left on a $440K mortgage. We are in our mid-30s and have a completely changed life because of the freedom gained from The Shred Method."

-Molly Rose & Lance S., Destin, FL


"We have two full-time incomes and it seemed like every month we had no idea where the money went. Not only are we more diligent about how we spend, we're tracking our net worth just because we're actually seeing it grow."

-Heather M., Livermore, CA


"I had my doubts about using the system at first, but after the first month of tracking my spending and income, I'm wondering why everyone isn't using something similar."

 - Kelly B., Newhaven, MA

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Hey, I'm Adam Carroll, the founder of The Shred Method™ and a "power user" for the past ten years. In that amount of time we've paid off our home twice and leveraged the equity to create a massive amount of freedom for ourselves.

We believe that to live an unconventional life, you must think and act unconventionally. Join us in the pursuit of freedom in months, not years! 

The Shred Method™ works. Let us show you how.


-Adam & Jenn Carroll, Des Moines, IA


Most people can be completely out of debt (mortgage included) within 3-5 years. 

Gain access to the free Masterclass!